Adult Education classes
Fulfilling the responsibilities of the church to make disciples and to educate them in the teachings given by Jesus and the Apostles (Matt. 28:19-20; 1 Cor. 11:2; Eph.4:11-16), the Adult Education classes provide regular and in-depth teaching on biblical doctrine and Christian living. The material in these classes is more exhaustive and requires more work from attendees, giving a greater depth.
The Upper Room Discourse | Tuesdays at 6pm: September 17 - December 3
The Upper Room: What would you give to spend an evening with Jesus Christ? Join us for a class on Christ’s teaching in the upper Room Discourse from John 13-17. Bring your Bibles.
Doulos Pastoral Residency Program (DPRP)
The Local Church requires spiritually mature, doctrinally sound and wise pastors and elders to lead it biblically and to the glory of Christ. Rather than hope these kinds of believers can be found, the prudent and responsible course to take is to raise these leaders from within the church family. This can be done by investing in the biblical instruction of persons who are gifted and called to leadership within an ecclesiastical context. The Doulos Pastoral Residency Program, is a two-year residency designed to train and educate people from our own church family through intensive instruction to be the future leaders that will be needed in the Local Church going forward.
Ezra Gospel Program
The Ezra Gospel Program is a leadership program designed to create disciples who make disciples. The goal is to create mature followers of Jesus who are not only trained and equipped to serve as mature Christ-followers in the Local Church, but can also live-out and pass on the biblical teachings they have learned to others. The Ezra Gospel Program is a 1-year discipleship program created with the future deacon, small group leader, or other gospel leader in mind and integrates theological, missional and gospel-centered content in a small, 6-8 person Socratic study cohort.