At Calvary Community Church, we strive to be the hands and feet of our Lord Jesus. In our worship services and our ministries, we hope that you encounter Christ in a life-changing way. We would love to talk to you about how we can serve you or how you can be involved in service.
Jim serves as Calvary's Senior Pastor. He and Connie have been married for 43 years, in ministry for 45 years, and have served at Calvary for over 28 years. They have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. Jim graduated from Eastern Washington University with a BA in Speech Communication; received his Masters from Denver Seminary; is ordained by the Evangelical Presbyterian Church; and has done post graduate studies at Reformed Seminary in Orlando. Jim enjoys flying, sailing, hiking, fishing, and hunting. His lifetime ambition is to help people discover the glory, sovereignty, and grace of God, and to grow Christians to defend their faith and share the hope that is within them.
Office Manager’s Assistant
Connie loves being Jim's wife and serving in ministry along with him. She also greatly enjoys working in the church office and serving on the worship team. She and Jim have three grown children and eight grandchildren. Some of her hobbies include running, genealogy, and sewing.
Director of Adult Education
Hanson is the Director of Adult Education focusing on building disciples by teaching biblical doctrine and Christian living. Hanson spent many years working in the business world and volunteering in various ministries at his home church before pursuing full-time ministry at Calvary. Hanson and his wife, Marina, are parents of a son, Caspian, and daughter, Esme. In his spare time Hanson enjoys playing music and participating in the many ways Port Townsend allows for enjoying God's creation.
Polly Urbani
Children’s Ministries Director
Polly has been our Children’s Ministry Director (Nursery—5th Grade) since January 2017. She moved to Port Townsend with her husband Joe, and youngest son, Max from California. Along with raising three sons, she has been a teacher of Kindergarten, Physical Ed., and Special Ed., for the past 30 years. She enjoys spending time with her family, and brothers and sisters in Christ around Bible study, BBQ’s, RVing and hiking. She’s been a follower of Jesus for 20+ years, and has been involved in several ministries including teaching Sunday School, AWANA clubs, VBS, biblical counseling, conference coordinating and speaking. She is thankful for the experiences and gifts the Lord has blessed her with, and excited to have this opportunity to serve the families of Calvary Community Church and Port Townsend.
The primary purpose of this position is to equip students for life change through outreach and discipleship, teach scripture, promote worship, and encourage community within the body of Christ at Calvary Community Church. This will be accomplished through the development and strengthening of leadership teams in Middle and High School. Our goal is to raise up disciples who stand firm in Christ and will effectively be able to disciple others. We are seeking an individual who will be able to work with existing volunteer leadership to accomplish this goal.