" 'Tis the Reason for the Season" / 2 Timothy 4:1-5 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – In verse 1, Paul gives a charge to Timothy that sound much like a court of law. Why so solemn?

2 – In verse 2, what specific task is Timothy charged to do? When? What does it involve? What does it mean? How does this charge relate to us?

3 – In verse 3, what does Paul mean by "itching ears?" Why would it be difficult to "endure" sound teaching? In what ways do we see people today "accumulating" teachers who tell them what they like to hear?

4 – Nowhere does scripture say that Timothy had the gift of evangelism nor the office of evangelist, yet Paul commands Timothy to, "do the work of the evangelist." What does he mean? How does this apply to us? May we excuse ourselves from sharing the gospel with others because we don't have the gift, the knowledge, or the incentive? Then, why don't we?