"Big Brother is Watching You" / 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 / Jim Rosenquist

1. Why are we resistant to being “watched over” in church? See verses 12-13.

2. The healthiest churches have good leadership. What should we look for? What should we avoid? What should we pray for?

3. Church leaders are called elders, overseers, and shepherds. What do each of these titles suggest? What does Paul say in 2 Timothy 2:4 about elder duties?

4. Where do church leaders derive their authority? See Acts 20:28.

5. See verses 14-15. Who is Paul speaking to in this sentence? Paul lists three kinds of people the church should engage: idle, fainthearted, weak. What are we to do in each case?

6. How is it extremely comforting to have a Big Brother watching over us? According to verse 13 what are we required to do for them?