"Nearing the End" / Romans 15:14-33 / Jim Rosenquist

1. In verse 14 what does Paul list as three indicators of a mature church? How do we measure up?

2. In verse 15 Paul says he has made some ‘bold reminders’ in his letter. Like what?

3. Who is the High Priest of Christianity? Why? What priestly activity does he perform? See v 16. Why does Paul say he has provided priestly service? As a priest, what does he offer to God? In what way are we all priests? See 1 Peter 2:5.

4. In verse 25 Paul is writing from Corinth with his travel plans to visit Rome. Why doe he go in the opposite direction to Jerusalem? What happened?

5. Paul encourages Christians to ‘strive’ (agonize) in prayer for him. What three things does he ask them to pray for? What happened? See v 30. Why is prayer described as ‘agonizing’? How can we give God space in answering our prayers?

"Unbelief" / Hebrews 3:7-19 / Hanson Rosenquist

With this passage we are presented with a warning against the dangers of unbelief. The author writes out of love and concern for Christians wavering in their faith. It’s a message of loving pastoral concern. Remember this context as you begin your discussion.

1. Begin by reading the entire text. Then, read 3:7 and 4:7. What is the author of the book of Hebrews communicating to us by listing both David and the Holy Spirit as the authors of Psalm 95?

2. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit’s authorship of this text (see also 2 Tim. 3:16-17)?

3. What is the main warning to Christians in this passage?

4. What does this warning (including the example of Israel in Psalm 95) tell us about God?

5. In what ways, and for what reasons, does unbelief, or heart-hardening, present itself in a Christian’s life?

6. The author calls an unbelieving heart ‘evil’ in v. 12. Why do you think unbelief is evil? What’s the difference between doubt and unbelief?

7. What’s the danger of unbelief? What does it mean that sin is deceitful (v. 13)?

8. How does this passage instruct Christians to combat unbelief?

9. What does it mean to ‘exhort one another’? How will you exhort other Christians “as long as it is called ‘today’”? Are you honestly and humbly open to the exhortations of other Christians? Why or why not?