1. Esther 2:19 says, “Mordecai was sitting in the King’s gate.” What does that mean? Was he loitering? What did Mordecai do? (see v 22) How was he rewarded?
2. In verse 3:1, Haman is introduced as the “Agagite.” Who was Agag? (see 1 Samuel 15:8) Who were the Amalakites? (Exodus 17:8-16, Deuteronomy 25:17-19) How does this help explain the hostility between Mordecai and Haman?
3. In verse 3:2, Mordecai does more than disrespect Haman as he directly defies the king’s command. Why? Did Old Testament believers bow to Pagan rulers?
4. What reaction does Haman have? What was he so aggressive?
5. Read 1 John 3:11-15 and Revelation 13. How does this help us understand the hostility of the world toward God’s people? Are Christians exempt from suffering at the hands of Satan and the world? Considering the theme of Esther (God’s providence), what should be our attitude in the face of persecution and abuse?