"Gender Studies" / 1 Timothy 2:1-15 / Jim Rosenquist

1. In verses 1-2, Paul urges prayer for all men. How can one pray for every man? Why pray for a derelict government leader?

2. If God desires all men to be saved, why aren’t they? Is God’s sovereignty limited? See verse 4.

3. What is the job of a mediator? Why does Jesus need to be both a man and God? Is there another way to be saved?

4. In verses 8-10, what does lifting holy hands in prayer communicate? Why is this uniquely difficult for men? How is this an outward expression of an inward reality? How is women’s dress also an outward expression of an inward reality?

5. In verses 12-14, why does Paul prohibit women from teaching and exercising authority? Is this just his own preference? Is it unique to that time or culture? Whose authority is behind this limitation? What is Paul’s reasoning for this? What does this look like in our church?

"The Good Fight" / 1 Timothy 1:12-20 / Jim Rosenquist

1. Not all fights are bad. What makes a fight good?

2. In verses 12-14, what three things is Paul thankful for?

3. Refer to verses 15-16. Why does Paul say he is, “the chief of sinners?” What does he mean? Is this false humility? Is he being self deprecating? Is he serious? Is that a healthy Christian attitude? Why might others (you) say or think this?

4. In verse 17, what is Paul trying to convey in this verse about God? What is he saying about how we should praise God?

5. What “good fights” should we be engaged in today? Why? See verse 18.

6. What is Paul attempting to accomplish with two prominent church leaders by, “handing them over to Satan?” Is this meant to punish or restore? How would it work? Why?

“Anchor” / Hebrews 6:13-20 / Hanson Rosenquist

With this passage the author of Hebrews show his readers that their confidence and assurance rests on, "the anchor of the soul,’ the unchangeable purpose and promises of Almighty God. Keep this context in mind as you discuss the questions.

1. What purpose and promise did God make to Abraham in Genesis 12 and 22?

2. Scripture says God’s purpose is unchangeable (v. 18). Why then did God add the promise?

3. Who are the heirs of the promise? (See Galatians 3:16, 26-29; Eph. 2:11-22)

4. What is our, “strong encouragement to hold fast?”

5. How has, and how will, Almighty God fulfill and consummate His purpose and promise?

6. What topic does the author of Hebrews bring his readers back to in v. 20? Why did he make the digression at the end of chapter 5?

7. What truths about the Lord God have you learned from this passage?

“Fruit” / Hebrews 6:9-13 / Hanson Rosenquist

1. What is assurance, and why do some professing Christians not want others to have it?

2. What are some places in Scripture that show Christians they may have assurance? (See, for example, 1 Jn. 3:14; 4:13; 5:13, 19)

3. What grounds does the author of Hebrews give for being “sure of better things” for his readers?

4. Why would God be unjust if He overlooked their service (v. 10)?

5. What are some ways the New Testament commands Christians to love and serve one another?

6. How does the author tell his readers to not be sluggish? In other words, what’s the remedy for sluggishness?

7. In what ways ought you to grow and show more fruit? Or demonstrate more Christ-like love for other believers? What are you going to do about it?

“Thorns” / Hebrews 6:1-8 / Hanson Rosenquist

With this passage the author of Hebrews gives a severe warning regarding those who have seen all of the evidences for God within Christian fellowship, yet who reject Him. Keep this context in mind as you discuss the questions.

1. Explain what context is and why it’s essential to faithful Bible study.

2. What Old Testament example does the author of Hebrews continually refer to in his letter? Why does he use this example?

3. Why was the rebellion of the Exodus-era Israelites so especially offensive to God? What was God’s response to their evil, unbelieving hearts?

4. The Bible frequently uses the imagery of bearing fruit. In what sense is this imagery used, and what importance does the Bible place on bearing fruit? (See Matt. 3:10; 12:33; Jn. 15:1-8)

5. Verse 8 speaks of those who have been “rained on” bearing thorns and thistles. What does this mean? What is their end?

6. What are practical signs in professing believers’ lives of either fruit or thorns?

"Truth Matters" / 1 Timothy 1:1-11 /Jim Rosenquist

1. How did Paul become an Apostle? What is it? See v1.

2. Who is Timothy? See v1.

3. In verses 3-7, what does Paul charge Timothy to do?

4. What hints do we see of the false teacher’s message? What is so dangerous about their teaching? How confident are they? Why might it be an attractive message?

5. What are some contemporary examples of these teachers or their message in our culture? Why is it so important to be on the look out for these guys?

6. How do we recognize error? See verse 11. Why is any church, including ours, only one generation away from apostasy? What can we do about it?

"Theology of Work" / 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15 / Jim Rosenquist

1. Why would a genuine Christian need to be exhorted to practice a good work ethic?

2. Was work a consequence of the fall? Cross reference Genesis 2.

3. In verse 6, what authority or forcefulness does Paul use to reinforce a Christian work ethic?

4. See verses 7-10. What example did Paul display for Christians working?

5. In verses 11-12, why might those “not busy” become “busybodies?” What action does Paul direct Christians to have toward the idle Christian? With what force? To what effect? For what reason?

6. Refer to verse 13. What attitude does Paul direct hard working Christians to have? What’s at stake?

"Breakthrough" / 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 / Jim Rosenquist

1. Refer to verses 1-2. Paul has been praying for the Thessalonians, now he asks for prayer from them. Why? Where is he when he asks? What are the specific challenges? Cross reference Acts 18:4-11.

2. Paul often asks the church to pray for him. Why? See Romans 15:30-32, Ephesians 6:19-23, Colossians 4:3, 1 Thessalonians 5:25, Philippians 1:19 and 2 Corinthians 1:9-11.

3. According to this passage (and others) why is there no such thing as the Lone Ranger Christian? What do we need from other believers? How do we obtain it?

4. In verse 3, what are some things the Bible specifically says God is faithful in?

5. In verse 5, what does Paul mean, “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love?” What does that look like?

6. What happens when the enemy breaks through the defenses in your life? In the church? What can we do to avoid it? What can we do to break through his defenses?

“Taste” / Hebrews 5:11-14 / Hanson Rosenquist

With this passage the author of Hebrews makes a digression from teaching about the high priesthood of Christ Jesus to rebuke the readers for their spiritual laziness and immaturity. Keep this context in mind as you discuss the questions.

1. The author of Hebrews says, “About this we have much to say, and it’s hard to explain because you have become dull [or sluggish] of hearing.” What is the author wishing to explain further?

2. What descriptive words is the author using to describe his readers?

3. Is this a rebuke for new Christians? Why or why not? Who is the author rebuking?

4. How do modern professing believers show dullness of hearing and spiritual immaturity?

5. What’s the “solid food” of God’s Word?

6. How do modern professing believers pursue “constant practice?”

7. In what ways can you be “trained by constant practice?”

"Seeing Is Believing" / John 20:1-9 / Jim Rosenquist ##Notice - Sermon is cut short at 15:22

1. See verses 1-2. If Jesus could pass through walls (v5) and closed doors (v19), then why was the stone rolled away from the grave entrance?

2. Jesus told the disciples that he would rise from the dead on the third day (Matthew 17:22), yet no one expected Jesus to be resurrected. What did Mary Magdalene conclude? Why was everyone initially doubtful about the resurrection?

3. Refer to verses 3-8. What did John initially see in the tomb from the outside? Once inside what additional observations did he make? What else did he see? What convinced John, without seeing Jesus alive, that his resurrection had occurred?

4. Based on this evidence, why is the possibility of a body snatching eliminated? Of tomb robbers? Of a wrong tomb location? Of Jesus recovering from the crucifixion and walking out?

5. We can’t see the empty grave or the risen Christ. What evidences for the resurrection do we see?