"Checkmate!"/ Esther 7:1-10 / Jim Rosenquist

1. How is Esther similar to a chess master in her interaction with the king? How is it that Haman is completely surprised and shocked by what transpires?

2. What fate befalls Haman? How is it poetic justice?

3. What similarities do you see between Haman’s pride, hatred, murderous intent, viciousness and shrewd manipulation toward Mordecai, with Satan’s similar actions toward Jesus? They were both shocked and dismayed by the results. Why and how?

4. What ‘coincidences’ do you see in this text that reveal the hidden hand of God? How is he the chess master?

5. How has your behavior, choices, or sin affected others? How has it affected the church? The name of Christ? How are we reminded that our sin has consequences to others?

6. In what ways have you seen the unseen hand of God at work in your life? How has God moved through you in his purposes in the lives of others?