"Remember Jesus" / 2 Timothy 2:8-13 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – In verse 8, what about "Jesus Christ risen from the dead" is an essential thing to

remember? Why does Paul mention the fact that Jesus descended from David? Why

is that significant to gentile believers?

2 – In verses 9-10, why is Paul under arrest, condemned, and waiting execution? Why

is he enduring for the sake of the elect? Who are the elect? How did they become

elect? What are they elect to?

3 – In verses 11-13, in what way have we died with Christ? In what have we had to

endure with Christ? How are momentary lapses in our faithfulness unlike settled

denial of Jesus? Are those who have a settled denial of Jesus saved if they once

professed faith in him? Have you ever denied Jesus of been faithless? How?

How did God show his faithfulness to you?