In verse 1, "The Last Days," may refer to either the time right before the return of Christ, or the days inaugurated by Christ's first coming. We are both in the "last days" and awaiting "the last days" to come. In this context, what are, "the last days."
In verses 2-4, what "people" is Paul writing about? Who are they? What word does Paul use to describe these people? Is this unkind? Is it true?
In verse 5, what is an example of a form of godliness without its power? What action does Paul direct Timothy to take in regard to these false teachers?
In verse 6, How do false teachers sneak or creep into our lives?
In verse 8, Jannes and Jambres were powerful magicians who imitated the miracles of God did through Moses. How are false teachers like them? How do well-meaning Christians use magic? Where did they learn this behavior? What are some examples? Does magic work? Is it real? Why is it dangerous?
In verse 9, what hope does Paul offer Timothy about false teachers and the church?