"A Great House" / 2 Timothy 2:20-26 / Jim Rosenquist

In verses 20-21, how is the church like a great house? What do vessels of gold, silver, wood, and clay represent? How are some for honorable or dishonorable use? How is one responsible for his/her use? How can it change?

In verse 22, what traits of youthfulness would hinder a young pastor? What traits does Paul suggest Timothy cultivate? Why?

In verses 23, does Paul suggest that we should avoid all controversy? Isn't the gospel controversial? Isn't the truth controversial? Wasn't Paul frequently involved in controversy?

In verses 24-25a, how should Timothy in particular, but also all Christian leaders approach division, misunderstanding, and wrong thinking?

In verses 25b-26, what is the objective of correcting false teachers and their followers. How is that accomplished? Why is it challenging?

"A Great House" / 2 Timothy 2:20-26
Jim Rosenquist