"Leadership Crisis" / 1 Samuel 1 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – There is a lot of material on being a good leader: what criteria is there for choosing a good leader?

2 – a) In verses 1-2, the introduction goes to great lengths to show us somebody who is a nobody. Why? Why would this be significant in Israel's history?

b) Verse 1 says, Elkanah was an Ephrathite (soneone from Ephathah – Bethleham,) which up until then was nowhere. Who else comes from this town? ( see Micah 5:2) Hint: 2 Kings

3 – How does Hannah's barrenness illustrate Israel's? How was Israel in 1025 like America in 2025? How does each face a crisis of leadership?

4 – In what ways does Hannah model powerful and effective prayer? See verses, 10, 11, 15, & 16.

5 - What happened that Hannah's attitude went from deep anguish (verse 16,) to no longer sad? (verse 18)

6 – Did Hannah bargain with God? Did she bet her son's life? Does this sound like the tale of, "Rumpelstiltskin?" Is there a moral to the story? What's the difference?