"Game Day" / 1 Samual 2:1-11 / Jim Rosenquist

1A – How is the sanctuary like the stadium and sports games like the church? Why is that so?

B – If man is created for worship and we don't worship God, then who or what do we worship?

C – How do sports games draw out, "the right kind of worship to the wrong kind of god?"

2A – In verses 1-2, How is Hannah's praise a good pattern for us? She exults with her, "heart, horn and mouth." What does that mean?

B – People who don't worship God rightly end up disappointed with God. Why? What do they expect? Who is God to them?

C – How are feelings related to worship? Which comes first? What if it is done backward?

3 - When we come to church, what should be our primary interest or concern? How is that evident?

4A – What similarities do we see between Hannah's song and Mary's song in Luke 1:46-55?

B – Who is the King who is anointed that both songs anticipate?

C – What is the importance of each women's song?