"God in a Box" / 1 Samuel 4:1-22 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – Ultimately, why were the Philistines a problem for Israel?

2 – In verse 3, what reason did the elders give for Israel's defeat in battle? What solution did they invent? What assurance did it provide? How was their solution and action the practice of magic?

3 – In verse 4, how is the ark described? Why?

4 – In verses 5-8, both the Israelites and Philistines view the ark as powerful magic. What differences did they have? What did each group already know about the ark?

5 – In verses 10-11, what were the results of the next engagement? Why?

6 – Phinehas' wife names her son Ichabod because, "the glory has departed." What glory? When did it leave? Why?

7 – In what ways do modern Christians employ magic?

8 – God does respond to our requests; why? What motivates God to act for us.