"Alethinos" / Hebrews 9:23-28 / Hanson Rosenquist

In this passage the author of the book of Hebrews shows that since the Old Covenant copies

needed to be purified by blood, then the greater New Covenant "true things" required a greater

sacrifice. He then demonstrates how Christ's sacrifice of Himself was God's final way dealing

with sin and this was demonstrated when Christ Jesus said, "It is finished" (Jn. 19) from the

cross. Keep this context in mind as you discuss these questions.

1. From the cross the Lord Jesus cried out, "It is finished." What was unfinished before His death?

2. What does the author mean by referring to the Old Covenant objects and practices as"copies"? What were they copies of?

3. What do the Old Covenant copies teach us about the true heavenly things?

4. Why did the Old Covenant sacrifices need to be repeated? What does that tell us about our need for a greater sacrifice?

5. Verse 26 says that Christ Jesus has appeared at the "end of the ages". What makes the New Covenant era the "end of the ages"?

6. How did the author illustrate the truth that when Christ returns it will not be to deal with sin?

7. Are you eagerly waiting for the Lord Jesus Christ? Why or why not?