"Before the Light Goes Out" / 1 Samuel 3: 1-21 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – In verse 1, why was the word of the Lord rare in those days? With no shortage of churches, preachers, and media, why might what we hear not actually be from the Lord?

2 – In verse 3, in what ways was, "the lamp of the Lord," about to go out?

3 – In verse 4, Why does Samuel not recognize the Lord calling him?

4 – In verse 11 and following:

A – How is the message God gives Samuel terrifying? Why would Samuel not want to convey it to Eli?

B – How is the message of God in the Gospel potentially terrifying? Why might we be reluctant to convey it?

C – If the Gospel message is more than, "God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life," then what is it?

5 – In verses 13-14, scripture says nothing good about Eli's sons, only harsh criticism, and offers no hope for them now nor for their salvation. They served God and their people only for how it benefited them. They disregarded God's instructions. They treated with contempt the sacrifices for atonement. How does that describe people today? Christians? How will we guard against this in our lives and churches.