"The Last Days" / 2 Timothy 3:1-9 / Jim Rosenquist

In verse 1, "The Last Days," may refer to either the time right before the return of Christ, or the days inaugurated by Christ's first coming. We are both in the "last days" and awaiting "the last days" to come. In this context, what are, "the last days."

In verses 2-4, what "people" is Paul writing about? Who are they? What word does Paul use to describe these people? Is this unkind? Is it true?

In verse 5, what is an example of a form of godliness without its power? What action does Paul direct Timothy to take in regard to these false teachers?

In verse 6, How do false teachers sneak or creep into our lives?

In verse 8, Jannes and Jambres were powerful magicians who imitated the miracles of God did through Moses. How are false teachers like them? How do well-meaning Christians use magic? Where did they learn this behavior? What are some examples? Does magic work? Is it real? Why is it dangerous?

In verse 9, what hope does Paul offer Timothy about false teachers and the church?

"The Last Days" / 2 Timothy 3:1-9
Jim Rosenquist

"A Great House" / 2 Timothy 2:20-26 / Jim Rosenquist

In verses 20-21, how is the church like a great house? What do vessels of gold, silver, wood, and clay represent? How are some for honorable or dishonorable use? How is one responsible for his/her use? How can it change?

In verse 22, what traits of youthfulness would hinder a young pastor? What traits does Paul suggest Timothy cultivate? Why?

In verses 23, does Paul suggest that we should avoid all controversy? Isn't the gospel controversial? Isn't the truth controversial? Wasn't Paul frequently involved in controversy?

In verses 24-25a, how should Timothy in particular, but also all Christian leaders approach division, misunderstanding, and wrong thinking?

In verses 25b-26, what is the objective of correcting false teachers and their followers. How is that accomplished? Why is it challenging?

"A Great House" / 2 Timothy 2:20-26
Jim Rosenquist

"Getting it Straight" / 2 Timothy 2:14-19 / Jin Rosenquist

1 - In verse 14, Some subjects, while important to you, shouldn't divide brothers in Christ; subjects like the age of the Earth, the timing of the rapture, speaking in tongues, Israel in the end times...what else?

– Some subjects should be debated in the church. Like what?

– Some subjects are so critically important that we get it straight, like the five solas. What else?

2 – In verse 15, what makes a workman approved?

3 – In verse 17, how is gangrene an appropriate metaphor for word wars in the church?

4 – In verse 18, the particular debate then was over whether the resurrection had already taken place. In what way was that true? How is it also completely untrue?

Why does it matter? What action should be taken? How is their error much like the errors of the church today? (Word of Faith implies resurrection blessings today.)

"Getting it Straight" / 2 Timothy 2:14-19
Jim Rosenquist

"Remember Jesus" / 2 Timothy 2:8-13 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – In verse 8, what about "Jesus Christ risen from the dead" is an essential thing to

remember? Why does Paul mention the fact that Jesus descended from David? Why

is that significant to gentile believers?

2 – In verses 9-10, why is Paul under arrest, condemned, and waiting execution? Why

is he enduring for the sake of the elect? Who are the elect? How did they become

elect? What are they elect to?

3 – In verses 11-13, in what way have we died with Christ? In what have we had to

endure with Christ? How are momentary lapses in our faithfulness unlike settled

denial of Jesus? Are those who have a settled denial of Jesus saved if they once

professed faith in him? Have you ever denied Jesus of been faithless? How?

How did God show his faithfulness to you?

"Remember Jesus" / 2 Timothy 2:8-13
Jim Rosenquist

“Eternal” / Hebrews 9:11-14 / Hanson Rosenquist

With this passage the author of Hebrews shows his readers that the New Covenant blessings inaugurated and mediated by Christ Jesus are both shadow-dissolving present realities, and present eternal realities. Keep this theological context in mind as you discuss the questions.

1 - What is the overarching argument, or point, that the author of Hebrews is making in this passage?

2 - Discuss the context of the passage. Who were the original readers? Why would this passage be paradigm-shifting for them? Why is understanding context essential for properly understanding God’s Word? (Yes, essential)

3 - Read Hebrews 9:11 and 24. What are the differences between the earthly tabernacle/temple, and the heavenly holy places? Why, or how, is the heavenly holy place superior?

4 - Why does God require blood sacrifices? What does this teach us about God and about sin?

5 - Why couldn’t God’s people continue with animal sacrifices?

6 - Why is the blood of the Lord Jesus superior, i.e., what does it accomplish? Why do we need it?

7 - Examining our passage and verse 15, what does the author of Hebrews say is eternal or once for all? What does this teach us about what Christ accomplished on the cross?

8 - What truths about the Lord God have you learned from this passage?

“Eternal” / Hebrews 9:11-14
Hanson Rosenquist

"Apostolic Succession" / 2Timothy 2:1-7 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – The context for this passage is 2 Timothy 1:8-14. What is it about?

2 – What has Timothy learned from Paul? What is he charged to do with what he has learned?

3 – Who are the recipients to whom Timothy is to pass on this information? What qualities should they have? What is their obligation?

4 – Timothy is given three examples to follow: soldier, athlete and farmer. What qualities do each demonstrate that helps Timothy with his task?

5 – Why does Paul tell Timothy to "think over" these things? What conclusion does he expect to reach? Why?

6 – How is our faith an unbroken chain, a succession to the Apostle's faith?

"Apostolic Succession" / 2Timothy 2:1-7
Jim Rosenquist

"Shame by Association" / 2 Timothy 1:8-18 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – In verse 8, why might we feel ashamed of our church, of other cultures, and of Christ?

2 – Why might early Christians felt shame by association with Paul? Why might Christians in China or Islamic countries not want to be identified with other Christians?

3 - In what way is shame a form of suffering?

4 – In verse 9, how did we come to salvation? When was our salvation secured? Explain sovereign grace, pre-existent grace, and visable grace.

5 – In verse 10, if Christ abolished death, then why do Christians still die? Explain physical death, spiritual death, and eternal death.

6 – In verse 12, What single reason explains why Paul is not ashamed to be a Christian?

7 – Timothy is charged to guard what was entrusted to him; Paul is confident that God will guard what Paul entrusted to God; we are charged to guard the good deposit entrusted to us. What is it, and how do we do that? Why is this challenging?

"Shame by Association" / 2 Timothy 1:8-18
Jim Rosenquist

"Passing the Baton" / 2 Timothy 1:1-7 / Jim Rosenquist

1 – How are Paul's circumstances different as he writes 2 Timothy from when he wrote 1 Timothy? What has changed? How are Timothy's circumstances different? What is happening in the Roman Empire as Paul writes this letter? What new responsibilities does Paul give Timothy? How will Timothy be able to do these things?

2 – In verses 3-5, what does Paul say about Timothy's heritage? How is this helpful? What does Paul suggest that connects the gospel of Jesus Christ with the old testament? How far back does it go?

3 – In verses 5-7, what does Paul tell us about spiritual gifts? How are they useful? How does one obtain them? How do you know what gift(s) you have? What happens if they are not used?

4 – How are we tasked to prepare the next generation of Christian leaders? What is our church doing for this mission?

"Passing the Baton" / 2 Timothy 1:1-7
Jim Rosenquist

"Post Scriptum" / 1 Tim 6:17-20 / Jim Rosenquist

1 - In verse 17, Does scripture condemn riches? In verse 6:9, what is the product of desiring to be rich? What charge does Paul give to the rich? Why would wealth be an uncertainty? Why would wealthy people think themselves superior to the poor? In what way?

2 - In verse 18, what two things does Paul tell wealthy people to do? Why would wealthy Christians rather give money than service? If you give money away, won't you be less rich?

3 - In verse 19, what does Paul suggest is a good investment in the future? How is this accomplished?

4 - In verse 20, what is the deposit entrusted to Timothy? Is this also entrusted to us? How are we to guard it?

5 - In verse 21, How do well-meaning Christians drift off course, away from the faith? What happens to them?

"Post Scriptum" / 1 Timothy 6:17-20
Jim Rosenquist

"Man of God" / 1 Timothy 6:11-16 / Jim Rosenquist

1 - Why would Paul calling Timothy a "man of God" be encouraging to him? How does this title relate to Timothy's assignment? What qualifies one to be called a "man of God?"

2 - a - Paul tells Timothy flee, from what? Why? Where else are we told to flee from sin? As opposed to what? Consider the story of Joseph and Potifer's wife, (Gen 39) How is his fleeing an illustration for us?

b - What are we encouraged to follow (pursue?)

c – In verse 12, how is our testimony and struggle with sin a "fight?"

d – If we have already been promised eternal life through the finished of Jesus, why do we need to "fasten" (take hold) of it?

3 - In verses 13-14

a - What is the charge given to Timothy? Why is it our charge as well?

b - Paul invokes two witnesses to this charge. Who and Why? How is this awesome, both frightening and encouraging?

4 - In verses 15-16, Paul's benediction describes God as: blessed, sovereign, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, immortal, dwelling in light, and unseen. What does each of these mean? What do these tell us about God?

"Man of God" / 1 Timothy 6:11-16
Jim Rosenquist